Need to work

Hi and Assalamualaikum,

I need money,  i need everything so that mean i need to work haha, alright whatever it is I need to find a work that seemly for me, actually i need a job that doesn't need an APF or same kind of  an APF cause it so difficult to do. But, I have found a good job for me which is jaga kedai tudung Dalila haha, its quite interesting and my friend also say that the job takdelah susah mana, kerja dia just pastikan kedai tu bersih, jaga stock tudung tudung tu and lipat lipat tudung.

But, i didn't ask for the job lagi, inshaAllah hari jumaat ke tak pun isnin minggu depan i'll try tanya hihihi.Well, I've been menggangur dah lama kot, hm hm, so this time I can't duduk saja, wake up till midday without doing any work, apa nak jadi nak sambung belajar pun lambat lagi bulan 3 baru keputusan keluar kot. So, I've been thinking that why not go find a job so takdelah hidup kau bosan sangat duduk kat rumah takde buat apa.

One more thing, aku ingat aku nak belajar bawa kereta balik, haha. Sebab, kalau nak pergi mana mana senang sikit ye dok? Sebenarnye, almost 2 years dah aku takut nak bawa kereta so membazir je lesen, ada lesen tapi buat macam perkasam nak buat apa kan? So, I dah nekad nak belajar bawa kereta balik untuk kesenangan diri sendiri jugak kan?

So, guys I need your spirit and support for me so that i can be an independent girl one fine day. Insha Allah, Pray for me. hahaha.

one more thing, this guy who has teach me how to be independent and also not easily to give up. Well I guess he just give me a spirit that do not give up easily and also just chase your dream no matter what will happen, just ignore what will people say to you. Just be strong. Hahaha 
Thank You Noh Yoonho for not giving up to be an Idol and also being handsome as usual haha. 

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